Buat beberapa hari ni aku akan busy dengan gerak kerja visit to London...planning on our methods of presentation to our soon to be sponsers...plus, me and a few friends are working together to put out one mega video project where we'll be shooting scenes from all around KL. So i'll spend less time on the internet tomorrow. *not cool*
Haha, rajinnya aku nak update blog using Blogger-Droid ni. Its cool kot!!
Btw, check out the image above to see our discussing table. Haha...berterabur..kar rumah aku tuuu....
Nota Kaki Bigfoot : PLANKING
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
jelesnye aku.. hahaha blogger droid
syim bg aku droid alah tu. demm!
dalam banyak2 ayat ko, perkataan blogger-droid tu la yang paling nampak highlight skali...XD
@freaky & @wadi Ar : aku still newbie gune semua ni. haha...Bro Ben lek je guneee
@gary : haha...tu automatic :P
jgn lupe ole2 dr london.. ^^
@nad : okay nad (:
uuuuuu ~ jeles maaa. haha
@fatin : you tak perlu lah jealous jealous <3 haha
hee . jeles gilaa seyhhhh :|
@mimin : nak satu? haha
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