aku percaya yang ramai di kalangan kita yang dah aware dengan berita Malaysia nak sekat 10 Laman Web untung membendung gejala cetak rompak di internet. Klik SINI untuk senarainya siap dengan surat yang dikeluarkan oleh SKMM Malaysia. Aku nak tanya & memohon pendapat korang semua,
*klik SINI untuk lihat sumber aku*
Is it the best way oh SKMM Malaysia? Yes, betul memang dapat membendung tapi kesannya amat padah kerana akan wujudnya satu angkatan yang akan membantah tindakan tersebut. This group will not stop until they have their freedom reaches to at a just. Pornography dari dulu sampai sekarang ada lagi kat internet tanpa bantuan 10 Laman Web yang akan disekat tu. Its still there. Mengapa tak nak block dulu yang pornografi and next barulah yang piracy. I know i am no one to give a good opinion but I am a Malaysian too. Yes and i have download many things piratedly. Tapi yang penting,
*we are no longer safe, for our defense is unknown*

Berita Dari The Star Online
PETALING JAYA: A hacker group has threatened to attack the www.malaysia.gov.my website.
The group, which calls itself Anonymous, said it will launch the attack at 7.30pm GMT on Wednesday (3.30am Thursday Malaysian time) and has named it “Operation Malaysia.”
It posted the threat in a graphic on this website,http://i.imgur.com/PTFWh.png
Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at the F-Secure Corporation – a computer security software company based in Helsinki, Finland – tweeted about the threat at 4.42am Malaysian time.
No other details were available at this time. It is also not known why Anonymous has targeted the Malaysian website.
Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world’s strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear.
Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.
Did we made the right decision SKMM Malaysia?
It's your call right now
Nota Kaki Bigfoot : Sorry SKMM Malaysia if I have offended your authority in this copyright sectors but I would stand so that our Malaysian Internet is SAFE from any HARM using any MEANS NECESSARY
haha pandai ko ulas wes.. jadi menarik pula
Aku sokong gila la kalau dorang hack Malaysian Gov. GILA APA DORANG NAK BLOCK SEMUA TU??
@freaky : jenuh aku memikir nak taip ape dalam entry ni.kena banyak research&lawat sini sane carik info @_@
@kucing serius : memang suka hati lah yang anonymous nak hack,tapi aku tak nak any leaks of data negara kita dipecah masuk. Memang dianggap gila tindakan SKMM Malaysia sebab nak bertindak begitu, mengapa mereka nak sekat 10 dan bukan kesemuanya? persoalan pelik bukan?
err .. tatau nak ckp ape . hahaha .
why skmm sekat ? pdn muka kene hack !
@nawal addina : khabarnya besok akan dihack.tapi entah lah macamne lepas kena kang...
nice syaim!!
aku suka notakaki ko,hahaha XD
tak patut ar dorg block..nyusahkan org ar..
@sergeant keroro : we must protect out planet from any harm!
@bartheafy : entah tol diorang nih...haih...
@sergeant keroro : we must protect out planet from any harm!
@bartheafy : entah tol diorang nih...haih...
hebat atok mengulas isu negara daripade x berminat dgn cite nih..trus sokong lak bantah gov nk sekat itu ini...
btolah kate si aninomos uh...tenet is here for freedom la...sengals!!!
@minda perkasa : memang agak silap lah dgn tindakan gov
kalau block...xleh ler nk donlod2 lg...uhhhh....
@cunndaa : huhu,saya pun sedih :P
Errrrr.... OK!
@gedek : haha,faham ke?
err ntah la..nak tengok sok jadi cmne...habis la kalau kena hack...tak best la nak online kat ofis pasni...hehehe
@cik tiniey : haha,we'll wait n see (:
@aswad : memang nice lah hackers
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